Thomas Deligne

Thomas Deligne, nestled in the heart of Le Touquet, presents Le Boko-Baya, a gastronomic adventure, a mirror of his culinary art.
Thomas Deligne, master of the ancient and the modern. In the heart of Boko-Baya, between flames and wrought iron, it reveals refined cuisine, full of mystery. Its minimalist map, sealed with wax, invites discovery. Each dish is an enigma, a challenge to the ordinary.

Thomas Deligne

Thomas Deligne, nestled in the heart of Le Touquet, presents Le Boko-Baya, a gastronomic adventure, a mirror of his culinary art.
Thomas Deligne, master of the ancient and the modern. In the heart of Boko-Baya, between flames and wrought iron, it reveals refined cuisine, full of mystery. Its minimalist map, sealed with wax, invites discovery. Each dish is an enigma, a challenge to the ordinary.
Le logo du Gault & Millau.

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Mallory Gabsi

Mallory Gabsi, at the intersection of rue des Acacias, Paris 17th, presents her establishment, a reflection of her culinary passion.

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